Program to Heal Your Nervous System, Ditch Anxious, depleted and chronically stressed for good and harness your life of ease and joy.

The 6- Week 1:1 

1:1 program, spaces are limited. 

Click Here to Join!

Reclaim Your Power

Come Home to Your Most Radiant Self 

 Program to Heal Your Nervous System, Ditch Anxious, depleted and chronically stressed for good and harness your life of ease and joy.

The 6- Week 1:1 

1:1 program, spaces are limited. 

Click Here to Join!

Reclaim Your Power

Come Home to Your Most Radiant Self 

For the Soul- Led Woman Seeking Lasting Transformation

Hi radiant woman, I’m Danielle- nervous system expert and somatic trauma coach.

I know you’ve been yearning for a more centered, easeful, joyous and powerful you. One who easily lives with purpose, without anxiety and stress getting in the way. 

You’ve found the right place to unleash the empowered woman you were always meant to be.

What I am about to share with you saved me from the depths of despair and up-leveled me to a life of inner peace, of radiant love and thriving I still cannot fathom is my lived reality. 

I know the practices and wisdom in this program will be life Changing to any woman who feels like they’re struggling through life in any way and not thriving like they know they deserve to be.

I had already been steeped in healing paths long before I came to this work; in fact, I was a healer; and nothing comes close to the transformation I had after applying the methodology in this program.

I had been working with women around the world for over 14 years, guiding them to their power via bodywork, yoga, meditation and reiki.

But a rude awakening would bring me to my knees leaving me shaken in my confidence to heal myself, let alone anyone else. I had a traumatic birth in 2017 that pulled the rug of life out from under me.

I was left with PTSD, anxiety and severe insomnia, while in the throws of new motherhood. 

  • I know what it’s like to feel despair.


  • I know what it’s like to have racing thoughts, a pounding heart, a burning chest, dark circles under my eyes so dry that they hurt, and a patience level so low it was hurting everyone around me. 
  • I know what it’s like to want relief and feel like everyone was only spinning me in circles no matter their good intentions. 
  • I know what it’s like to want to burn the whole thing down, angry at the world.
  • I know what it’s like to know I was destined for more. 
  • I know what it’s like to go to therapy every week but not see any true improvement. 

Understanding the pivotal role of a well-regulated nervous system unveils the foundation of true healing. It's the master controller of your mood, hormones, and thoughts—essentially, the essence of your being. 

Early experiences of stress can disrupt its natural state, leading to a cycle of chronic dysregulation that impacts your health, mental well being, and overall quality of life.

By restoring balance to your nervous system, we initiate a profound  transformation, not just managing symptoms anymore but by rewiring the core patterns and behaviors that have kept us stuck, so that we can finally achieve lasting healing. 

Our nervous system plays a role in everything we do, both physically and mentally. So in order to regulate your nervous system (AKA bring it to a place of homeostasis), you need to integrate both the body and the mind.

That’s why none of the mental and mindfulness practices were working for me (from western approaches to alternative). They were missing the physical- the somatic aspect.

By following practices guided by expert teachers, that focus on both the body and the mind, I was able to bring my nervous system back into balance.

-A fantastic relationship with my partner

-A deeper connection to my daughter

-Energy and confidence to thrive in my career

-Much better sleep and focus.

-Inner peace

and so much more! 




Once I upleveled my life to a place of unfathomable clarity and joy, I knew I had to get this into as many women’s hands as possible.

The EmbodiedLife Method

This is how my EmbodiedLife Method TM was born.

I alchemized the wisdom already under my belt with certifications in somatic trauma therapy, mind-body coaching and neuro-somatics (the field of healing your nervous system with body based practices) to create a streamlined method that banishing stress, anxiety and depletion and chips away all that isn’t serving you so you
can step into your power.

This tried and tested method combines nervous system  regulation tools, somatic inquiry, intuitive movement therapy, and ancient eastern mindfulness practices to provide a complete, all  encompassing approach to bring you back into balance.

If you’re finally ready to listen to that inner knowing that healing is possible, but you haven’t found the right method to create lasting change.

Break free from the past stories that are keeping you stuck and say goodbye to outdated patterns that block your true potential. 

Rewire your nervous system to respond to life's challenges with resilience and ease.

Cultivate a profound sense of self that allows you to fully embody your happiness & trust in life.



Everyone  has Trauma to some degree. Trauma is anything that overwhelms the nervous system to where it cannot get back to a resting relaxed state. It does not need to be a big event (although it can be). But trauma does not have to be a life sentence.

Until you address your nervous system, you won't have the life of emotional freedom, ease and boundless joy you know you're meant to have.

When your nervous system perceives a threat (stress) it goes into a fight, flight freeze response and this triggers a host of biological reactions in your body. If you don’t properly regulate your nervous system.

The residue of those reactions become trapped in your body. This then sends signals to your brain and you become wired for stress rather than thriving.

Feelings of Overwhelm or Paralysis: You regularly feel too stressed to move forward or make decisions

Concentration Challenges: Completing tasks becomes difficult due to a lack of focus.

Difficulty Relaxing Under Stress: No matter your efforts, calming down in stressful situations feels impossible.

Persistent Pain or Illness: You're plagued by ongoing physical discomfort or health issues.

Fatigue and Brain Fog: You often feel exhausted and mentally unclear.

Constant Low-Level Anxiety: A subtle but continuous sense of anxiety pervades your day.

Signs Your Nervous System is Dysregulated

Frequent Relationship Conflicts: Arguments and misunderstandings are common in your interactions.

Limited spaces are available for this transformative journey. Are you ready to unlock your full potential?

1:1 program, limited spots available.

Unlock Your Transformation!

Our exclusive 1:1 program is designed for women who yearn to:

Liberate themselves from the chains of stress, anxiety, and depletion, equipped with a personalized toolkit for life-long change.

Cultivate a deeper connection with their body, embracing its wisdom.

Navigate and heal from trauma with methods that ensure lasting healing.

Enhance intimacy with themselves and enrich their relationships.

Harness the science of nervous system physiology for authentic healing.

Anchor in a profound sense of self-worth and inner peace.

Enjoy rejuvenating sleep that truly restores.

Wake up with energy and improve focus on what brings them joy.

What You'll Experience

MODULE 2: Discovering Your Core

  • This week, we delve into the essence of who you truly are (beyond your stress and unhealthy beliefs/behaviors), exploring the deep-seated patterns within your nervous system and thought processes that influence your relationships, work, and daily life. We'll question what's been holding you back from achieving a state of balance and centeredness.

  • Emphasizing your inherent perfection, we'll confront areas of pain and overwhelm you've carried, starting a process of healing and self-discovery that celebrates your true self, free from perceived flaws.

MODULE 1: Gaining Perspective

  • In our first week, we'll take a panoramic view of your life to understand your personal narrative and the stressors affecting you. We'll explore your stress responses to gain insights into your experiences of anxiety, pinpointing the signals your body sends under stress

  • You'll learn about anxiety from a physiological standpoint, and through therapeutic techniques and somatic exploration, we'll identify and begin to address the most significant areas needing attention in your life's story.

Over the course of six weeks we dive deep into the process of integrating your traumas/core wounds and reprogramming your limiting beliefs, behaviors and patterns.

MODULE 4: Embodying Change

  • In the fourth week, we solidify and live out the empowered, peaceful version of yourself that we've uncovered. 

  •  We'll apply and deepen your understanding of the toolkit, tailoring it to various life scenarios to ensure versatility and efficacy. This phase is about renewal and confidence; you'll feel prepared to meet life's demands with a newfound grace and strength. Having worked through lingering survival stress, you'll emerge more resilient, with a profound understanding of self-care and self-compassion, ready to navigate life's ups and downs with ease and empowerment .

MODULE 3: Crafting Your Toolkit

  • This week is about developing your personal toolkit, filled with somatic practices, therapeutic strategies, mindfulness techniques, and regulatory exercises that we've explored—and introducing a few new ones. These tools are carefully selected to fit seamlessly into your daily life, preventing the constant firefighting against life's challenges. 

  • Through dedicated practice, you'll build resilience, learning to detect stress early on and manage it proactively, enhancing your ability to remain calm and equipped for future stresses, and continuing the journey of releasing stored trauma.

MODULE 6: The Transformation

  • In our concluding week, the transformation becomes complete. You step into the light as the best version of yourself, with all the tools and wisdom to maintain this new state of being. You've learned to confront and move beyond past stresses, embracing peace and power as your new norm. 

  • This is the moment you begin a new chapter of life, empowered, holistic, and radiant, fully equipped to thrive in harmony and vibrancy.

MODULE 5: Integrating Wholeness

  • During the fifth week, we solidify your personal toolkit, ensuring you're fully prepared to navigate life's challenges with confidence. 

  • We focus on nurturing your being and releasing any remaining stress, enriching your capacity for calm, clarity, and empowerment. This stage is crucial for integrating your experiences and healing, allowing you to emerge vibrant and whole, ready to embrace life's journey with all its complexities.

"Being coached by Danielle was mind-blowing for me. I had no idea how my nervous system worked before and so much about my anxiety and stress makes sense now. I'm grateful the program is 1:1 because I felt like we could go super deep into me. I will take these tools into the rest of my life."

Sara Gray


"From chaos to calm was the missing piece for me. I think everyone needs to know this wisdom. You do not truly change in a way that will stick until you address your traumas and their effect on your nervous system."

Ashleigh Smith

everyone needs to know this

"Wow. I am someone who has done everything under the sun to live a more empowered life. But no matter the path I took at some point I would fall off because I wasn't really getting rid of my triggers and I wasn't seeing improvement in my relationships. I feel like I have a much better understanding now of why I am the way I am."

Laura Rodriguez


“It was such a beautiful experience that Danielle led… It allowed me to be present with my body and release some deep wounding in a sweet, gentle way. I would highly recommend somatic work with Danielle. She’s amazing at what she does, and holds the space with such love and compassion.”


Beautiful experience

"Danielle really cares. I felt from moment one that she was going all in for me. She really wanted me to understand and experience peace in my body and mind. It's been a few months since I ended the program and I have been doing my practices and a lot of my anxiety-induced rashes are subsiding and I am sleeping so much better."

Bethany Cabalag

peace in my body and mind

Hear from Empowered Women Who Have Done  RECLAIM YOUR POWER

Now It's Your Turn To Create The Powerful Transformation You've Been Waiting For

•Your Emotions Are Not Your Enemies But Powerful Allies.
• Work-Life-Relationship Balance Isn't Just A Dream But A Daily Reality.
• Self-Doubt Is Replaced With Unshakable Confidence
• Stressful situations are met with grace, calmness, and clarity.

Imagine A Life Where:

Valued at $3,400

Yours Today For $1,900 USD or Two Monthly Payments of $995
  • Six personalized 1:1 live coaching sessions via Zoom.
  • Exclusive lifetime access to 4 expertly curated masterclasses.
  • Unparalleled support throughout the week with direct access to me via text for council between sessions.
  • Personalized toolkit of 10+ exercises tailored for your continued success.
  • Transformative 'soul work' assignments to deepen your progress between sessions.

Here's What’s Included In Reclaim Your Power

Plus, Get Access to These FREE Exclusive Bonuses
(valued at $500):

2 recorded guided meditations for relaxation and grounding.

2 curated playlists for movement therapy and somatic inquiry practices.

Your Infinite Worth [video Training]: A guided workshop to help you breakthrough self-sabotage and trauma

Spots are limited for this 1:1 offering, so don't miss your opportunity click below to enroll today!

2 Payments of $995

Pay in Full $1900

Hi! My name is Danielle

As a nervous system expert and somatic trauma coach, I've dedicated my life to helping women all over the world, find healing and purpose.

Using my EmbodiedLife Method TM, I empower women to use their bodies as their map and their triggers as their compass to find their way home to their most radiant selves.

I've had the honor of training with such GOATS as Peter Levine, Gabor Maté, Irene Lyon, Arielle Schwartz, AG Mohan, Pat Ogden, and more in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, Yoga Psychology, Somatic Experiencing, NLP, Trauma Informed Yoga, Dance Therapy and more. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Still have questions? Schedule a free clarity call.

This program is not the best fit for anyone with psychiatric disorders, addictions, suicidal ideation, or extreme chronic diseases of which a different medical medium would be a better fit. 

Who is this program not for?

Everyone is so different and has such different nervous system tendencies, so every woman finds her aha moments in different areas. All women will walk away knowing intricately what happens to them physiologically under times of stress and they really get why they behave in certain ways— and therefore take the steps to change it. When you really drop in with your body, you unravel the stories, the weight, the stuck energy within, and your sensuality and freedom come alive with empowerment.

What are some typical experiences I can expect?

If other courses or programs you took didn’t address your nervous system or ways to regulate your nervous system, they were missing the root of why your mindset may not be working in your favor in the first place. I have not seen any other course out there that is this wholistic to cover movement therapies, neuroscience and mindfulness. Reclaim Your Power: Turn Your Chaos into Radiance is really where science meets spirituality to weave your new radiant life.

How is Reclaim Your Power: Turn Your Chaos into Radiance different than other healing programs ?

Yes! All of our zoom sessions are recorded unless you request otherwise. All of the in between soul work assignments and video tutorials are also yours to keep forever.

Will I have access to the material forever?

You can expect to spend 3-6 hours a week (40 minutes a day on average) on the program, including our 1 hour zoom sessions (that once in a while go over because I can't help but overdeliver)

What is the time commitment each week?

  • You Can Choose To Stay Where You Are, Stay In The Familiar Yet Unfulfilled Life You Have; Continuing To Be Unsatisfied With Your Relationships, Your Home Life, Your Work Life. 

  • You Can Choose To Stay In A Place Of Exhaustion, feeling Like You Somehow Missed The Part About How To Be Happy And Well In All Areas Of Your Life. 

You Can Begin This Path of Self Mastery. You Can Seize This Moment And Claim Your Life. 

2 Payments of $995

Pay in Full $1900